
Monday, September 23, 2013

[Toe]tally Organized

Shoebox Nail Polish

I've been meaning to get my polishes together since my polka dotted bag has been overflowing for a while. Taking a break from my reading English Literature, I reorganized part of the main bathroom's closet, and put some things in a shoe box.  I came back in to the room that I use as my study (which also happens to have my closet and our pantry), and I saw another shoe box laying around on the floor, while my nail polish was a disorganized mess.  
Thus: My Idea-
So, first I got my sample sized collections together and stacked them (woo hoo! Christmas!) Then I organized the other polishes by color, and put them in.  (Maybe sometime I should try a diagonal gradient).  Ta dah! They are all in one place and fit quite nicely.  I admit, it's not a wonderful shelf display of hundreds of colors, but it is very nice and functional, and by re-arranging placement, I can have a little wiggle room next time I reward myself with nail polish for some reason or another.

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