
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Maybe I'm Not a Hopeless Chef After All!

Brown Sugar Baked Chicken

I love Pinterest! Pinterest is my friend, especially since I'm new at the whole homemaker thing.  Anyway, I was browsing through the Food and Drink section the other day and ran across this recipe from for Brown Sugar Spiced Baked Chicken.  My husband and I agreed it should be on our must-try short list.  Sure enough, when it came down to Saturday, we still had three pieces of chicken left from our meal planning shopping trip this week (by the way, the meal planning seems to be going well as for getting ingredients, but we seem to end up altering our meals from the original recipes, but, then again, what are recipes for?)

I substituted paprika for chili powder (we didn't have any paprika), and whaddya know, the chicken turned out fantastic! (We think the sugar melted off) And it was so easy!  Just mix up the seasoning, slap the chicken into it, toss it in a baking dish and put it in the oven for twenty minutes! Easy is good for a newbie like unto myself.  One piece each filled us up, too, so we have one lovely spiced leftover to combine with something (probably leftover rice) for dinner tonight.  We make our rice in a rice cooker that we received as a wedding gift, and that thing is awesome.  Haven't really tried much with it, but it can apparently do quite a few things.

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