
Friday, August 16, 2013


The Seemingly Normal Bread of Life

Hello, again!  It has been a while, has it not?  Summer is basically over, and we're now living in our own place.  Of course, there's still boxes all over the place, but if there weren't, it wouldn't be realistic. (I seem to use a lot of contractions! My English teachers would cringe!) I've crocheted some things between my last post and the present, but I've been a little busy to explain.  Perhaps if I can catch my breath again, I could explain a little.  Using cotton yarn is great!

The feature of the day, however, was my climbing over the boxes in the kitchen floor and using my long awaited... wait for it... BREAD MACHINE! Hooray! It's one of the wedding presents that I didn't get to see until after we left the in-laws'. Working at the grocery store, fresh bread would come down the belt for me to bag, and I would almost always think to myself, 'I'm so excited to use my bread machine when we go back South!' Well, after being up for a bit this morning, I decided today was going to be the day!  So I grabbed my favorite scissors and cut my box open.  Ah, power.  (I don't particularly like knives).  I read my instructions, (I was so excited that I didn't even look through the French and Spanish sections like I normally would) and started cleaning the equipment to get it ready to roll [dough].  I went to the Walmart (in my lovely car that I've missed all summer) and grabbed some bread flower and bread machine yeast.  In fact, I even went over and looked at the yarn and did not even get any!  I did gather some ideas, though.  Christmas, anyone?

So I got back home with my lovelies, and I baked an empty bread maker for ten minutes...twice.  I would bet at the moment that you are thinking like my darling husband and ask "why didn't you do that before you went and got the ingredients?"  Well....I guess I was just that excited.  It would have made lots of sense though.  So, after everything was cooled down and cleaned, I meticulously made a small mess in the kitchen (and cleaned it right up, I might add) and threw together the white bread recipe that came with my machine.  Ta dah! Three hours and two job applications later, I had a lovely loaf of home made bread and I didn't even really get my hands dirty!  It went really well with some chilli and cheese, and a gulp or three of some Mexican-style rice pudding!

So, here it is: my little one and a half pound loaf of seemingly normal white bread.  It was quite delicious!  One of these days, we'll have things put away where I can take nice pictures of things, but that day is not today.  If you haven't made bread, I challenge you to.  Yes, you can do it without a machine, but I get to keep my wedding rings on this way...and do other things like fill out job applications.  Have a great day!  (And no, I didn't make that aunt did...)

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