
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ice Cream?

Part One: Not So Ice Cream

One of our wonderful wedding gifts was a homemade ice cream maker! (Actually, we have two; my mom is currently using one since hers is broken at the moment).  Anyway, in a spur of the moment last night, we decided to try to make ice cream.  We have the family recipe (homemade ice cream is HUGE in my family) [especially peach-pineapple], so we decided to give it a try.  There were a couple of things, though.  We didn't have any evaporated milk, and our recipe was for 1 gallon, and since my directions for the milk were "fill to fill line" we had to adapt for 6 quarts.  So, we went and got four cans of evaporated milk and came back.  We put in two cans and the adapted amount of sugar, a teaspoon of vanilla, and grabbed my 39-cent plus tax milk.  Here's where the new problem was.  I had been drinking it, so we didn't have enough.  So, what did we do?  One can of evaporated milk + one can of water.

We put it in our machine, turned it on, and let it run, and waaaaaay more than 40 minutes later it looked like some kind of weird milkshake.  So we put the motor back on and let it turn some more.

So just a little bit before bed we decided to take what we could get.  It was like a mixture of a really good vanilla drink and generously flavorless ice cream.  The water was what made it turn out this way.  My husband said he had something very similar in Mexico as a missionary. "Heladito" he called it.

See how it has like a little island of ice cream floating in a sea of vanilla drink?

Part Two: [Snow] Cream in August

What is snow cream?  People from snowy regions may never have heard of it, from what I gather talking to people.  Here in the South where we hardly see snow, my family would make ice cream out of snow when we could get enough.  Anyhow, what is snow?  In reality, tiny bits of frozen water.

We divided up our little ice cream (failure?) into cups last night and stuck them in the freezer.  It now has the consistency of snow cream! (except maybe slightly harder before it melts a little)  So, the water content wasn't such a disaster after all, especially since I haven't had snow cream in what seems like years.  I'm not exactly sure when the last time was.

So voila!  Genuinely fake snow cream from a little ice cream mishap!  Why have we never thought of it before?

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