
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Leftover Brown Sugar Chicken and a Milk Story!

Basic Chicken Fried Rice, Anyone?

Sorry, folks. No picture this time, but I'm going to tell you about it anyway.

We had one piece left of the fabulous chicken and about three storage containers of leftover rice on Sunday.  (Late post; both of us started school this week)  So, we decided to chop it up and throw it in with the rice.  Easy recipe time!  Cooked chicken + cooked rice + soy sauce.  A wise lady once told me that it's not necessarily the complicated recipes that are the best, but the easy ones.  (I'm loving the whole easy thing).

The Milk Story

So, if you follow CVS, you know that they have their milk on sale this week for $3.39 for a gallon. Any discount on good milk is great, especially when you love to drink milk like me (especially when I wake up in the middle of the night).  Anyhow, we were planning on going shopping yesterday and I decided that I'd check my e-mail before we left...and whaddya know!  There was a wonderful little email from CVS with a $3 ExtraBucks Coupon!!  Bwahahaha! 

So, after a run to Home Depot and Walmart, we hit the CVS and I literally bought milk with TWO QUARTERS and got change back. (Now, I understand that I could have rolled the ExtraBucks by making use of another ExtraBucks deal, however we were out of milk, and not much this week interests the coupon expired in two days).

Life is good!

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