
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pins and Needles No. 1

My First All By Myself Skirt

I've grown up with the idea of wanting to sew, and I have somewhat.  I even turned a too-short dress into a skirt a couple of years ago and wear it all the time.  But this is the first time I've done one all by myself.  I cut out the pattern, pinned the pattern to the fabric, cut out the fabric, (crocheted for a little while since my sister-in-law was using the machine for her impressive no-pattern maxi), then I got to work.  How does one learn best?  Doing it themselves!

Do you like my fabric?  It was on sale at Hancock!  That's where the pattern came from, too.

If it went worse, I'd say they just threw me to the wolves, but it wasn't so bad, and didn't take very long either!  The worst part was working with the elastic in the waistband, but that wasn't too incredibly awful.

I hemmed it maybe two or three inches, and in my final product, I have a visible double hem (that's what I'm calling it anyway, and the skirt is totally great!  Quick explanation: I hemmed it the forst inch and a half or so, then turned it up and hemmed it again, just like with any other skirt. However, the stitches seemed a little high for comfort, in my eyes anyway, so I added a second set of stitches down even closer to the bottom to help the hem lay even flatter. 

Do you like it?  I will not wear it with this shirt, of course (at least it is gray!) but there are lots of other things to wear it with! I'm not so into incredibly casual t-shirts with skirts like this. 

It's been a productive day off of work, I'd say.

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