
Friday, February 12, 2016

Doll House: Be Bold!

So, who was excited for Star Wars VII????

Katie, you're a bit late with this post.  Yes, I know.  I got busy.

A while back (before the movie came out) I made a series of dolls psyching myself up for The Force Awakens.

And yes, during the movie I went into shock.  But 'tis a story for another day.  For now...

Meet Dorovio!  Dorovio Bold, they call her (thus the post name).  You may or may not have noticed her in Return of the Jedi.  (In the BluRay version, she is sitting down behind Lando Calrissian while he is talking to Han Solo on Home One. I don't know if the others are different, because they did take alternate scenes for some parts of the BluRay trilogy).

I read up on this particular character, and she was pretty much cut out of the movie, but it shall be sufficient to say that she is one of the unsung heroes of the Battle of Endor who didn't make it home.

I guess we could claim this doll could be one of the female pilots from The Force Awakens (I saw at least three and got super excited as I am a fan of the X-Wing book series and they had some pretty awesome ladies in the squadrons), but I think I noticed the leg restraints being black instead of white.  I shall have to investigate more.

Fun fact: this doll started out being Wedge Antilles until I noticed Dorovio while watching Return of the Jedi.  Let's say I spent an hour or so figuring out how I wanted to do her hair.

She could potentially be my favorite doll so far.